Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tea Party fanatics racist, paranoid

Socialist. Fascist. Communist. These are just a few of the things President Obama has been called by Tea Party attendees (popularly referred to as "Teabaggers"). While the left certainly criticized Bush, they made a clown out of him instead of dehumanizing him. I do believe that people who just criticize Obama are being patriotic by dissenting, but people who just make up LIES are just stupid. The most popular conspiracy theory is that Obama was secretly born in Kenya. Even the wacko WorldNetDaily has pronounced his birth certificate legitimate. According to a recent study, a whopping 35% of Republicans believe in this nonsense. In that same study, it was revealed that 8% of New Jerseyans believe that Obama is the Antichrist. The Antichrist. According to a recent chain mail, the Bible states that the Antichrist would be a man in his 40's of MUSLIM descent. Let's get out of Fantasyland and return to real life, here. The BIBLE couldn't say that a person was of MUSLIM descent, as ISLAM DID NOT EXIST UNTIL WELL OVER 600 YEARS AFTER the Bible was written. While there was a fringe group saying that Clinton killed Vince Foster, there has never been this large of a following (nor as many extreme theories). As former President Jimmy Carter said, "There seems to be a large Republican following who just cannot believe that they lost to someone who happens to be African-American". However, the Tea Party attendees insist they are not racist at all. If that's the case, then why are you guys so paranoid about Obama?

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