Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Blog

Hi Mr. Mayo. this is Jonathan T.'s first blog. Word.

Here is my article:
Palin picked as McCain running mate, daughter is pregnant

Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, was recently chosen as McCain’s running mate for the vice presidency. This is widely believed to be a move to appeal to both disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters and the main conservative base of the Republican Party, who have been somewhat dubious of McCain. However, Palin’s daughter, Bristol, age 17, is five months pregnant. “Life happens”, says McCain advisor Steve Schmidt, in response to the announcement. The McCain campaign is hoping that the fact that Bristol will marry the boy who impregnated her, and will carry the child to full term will appeal to the social conservative base.
In a respite from partisanship, Democratic candidate Barack Obama has said that “People’s families’ are off limits, and people’s children are especially off limits”. Joe Biden, Obama’s running mate, has issued similar statements.
Also, for the Alaska probe, a Republican-dominated state legislature is investigating whether or not Palin dismissed public safety commissioner Walt Monegan because he refused to fire her sister’s ex-husband. Palin's claim is that Monegan intimidated her. Monegan has repeatedly denied such claims, however this claim did rate a "Mostly True" on the Truth-O-Meter run by Politifact, an independent organization. Now, since Palin has been picked for the vice presidency, 5 Republicans in the Alaska House of Representitives are suing to stop this investigation, despite a unanimous bipartisan vote to go forth with it.
Overall, Sarah Palin is a very interesting vice presidential choice who could really affect the outcome of this election.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Blog!

7thGradeNewsEditors said...

Hey Jon Nice Article, Nice Grammar And Nice Topic etc. Its actually good enough for the paper. But you might need to make it longer and check it some yourself.Otherwise, Great Job!

Reilly =) said...

I think it's a great artical, and I didn't see any mistakes, but it will go through both of your editors, and Sam S. as well, in case I have missed something. Like I have said for 1 or 2 other articals that had very little mistakes, I will look at it more closely when the editing cycle comes to me.

Overall, a great artical that really gets the point across. If your editors want you to make it longer, maybe give more details about the part about Palin wanted to fire her sister's ex-husband. I was very intrigued by that story the first time I heard it.

Great job!
Reilly =)

Sam said...

Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, was recently chosen as McCain’s running mate for the vice presidency. This is widely believed to be a move to appeal to both disaffected Hillary Clinton supporters, and the main conservative base that is the core constituency of the Republican Party, who have been somewhat dubious of McCain. However, Palin’s daughter, Bristol, age 17, is five months pregnant. “Life happens”, says McCain advisor Steve Schmidt, in response to the announcement. The McCain campaign is hoping that the fact that Bristol will marry the boy who impregnated her, and she, being a staunch abortion opponent, will carry the child to full term.
In a respite from partisanship, Democratic candidate Barack Obama has said that “People’s families’ are off limits, and people’s children are especially off limits”. Joe Biden, Obama’s running mate, has issued similar statements.
Also, for the Alaska probe, a Republican-dominated state legislature is investigating whether or not Palin dismissed public safety commissioner Walt Monegan because he refused to fire her sister’s ex-husband.
Overall, Sarah Palin is a very interesting vice presidential choice who could really affect the outcome of this election.

wow! not one mistake! amazing jon!

ready for reilly now!

good job!